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Welcome to your customer area.
This space is dedicated to your business for a better referencing geolocation.
Good configuration, review management and management of your online online presence.
To manage your subscription, go to the My Accountpage.
Team ma-presence.online

Welcome to your customer space.
This space is dedicated to your business for better geolocated referencing.
Enjoy configuring, managing reviews, and overseeing your online presence.
To manage your subscription, go to the My Account page.
Team my-online-presence.ch

Herzlich willkommen in Ihrem Kundenspace.
Dieser Raum ist Ihrem Unternehmen gewidmet, um eine bessere geolokalisierte Referenzierung zu ermöglichen.
Nutzen Sie die Konfiguration, Verwaltung von Bewertungen und die Überwachung Ihrer Online-Präsenz.
Um Ihr Subscription zu verwalten, gehen Sie zur Seite Mein Konto.
Ihr Team von meine-online-prasenz.ch

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Conditions générales d’utilisation et de vente

Bienvenue dans le Monde de ma-presence.online, les Conditions Générales d’utilisation et de Vente (CGUV) sont créées dans un désir de transparence et d’équité, dans le but également de protéger et cadrer notre relation commerciale pour votre satisfaction.

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter: GTCS) is to define the conditions applicable in connection with the services provided by MPO represented by BB Switzerland Sàrl (hereinafter: MPO), i.e. the obligations and rights of the parties relating to the provision of services by MPO on behalf of the Customer within the framework of its commercial activity.

Les présentes CGUV sont consultables sur le site internet de MPO (ma-presence.online, ma-presence.com, mapresence.ch, meine-online-prasenz.ch, my-online-presence.com). et seront remises au Client, au besoin et sur simple demande, un exemplaire papier ou informatique.


Article 1 - Identification of MPO

BB Switzerland Sàrl is a limited liability company under Swiss law founded in 2016, whose purpose is, in particular, to operate a digital and offline marketing and communications agency; to operate the ma-presence.online brand and service.


Company name: BB Switzerland Sàrl

Siège social : Chemin Louis-Hubert 2, 1213 Petit-Lancy – Suisse

Managing director: Mr. Amancio Luis COUGIL, with right of individual signature


N°IDE : CHE-151.468.130

VAT NO.: VAT-CHE-151.468.130

Contact e-mail: info@ma-presence.online

Website: www.ma-presence.online


Article 2 - Definitions

For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, :

"General Sales Conditions" or "GSC": These general sales conditions, it being specified that they may be modified at any time by MPO.

"MPO": BB Switzerland Sàrl, represented by Mr. Amancio Luis COUGIL.

"Customer": Any individual or legal entity having used MPO's services.

"Services": All the services offered by MPO to the Customer.

"Quotation" or "Offer": Written document or online transaction in which MPO offers its services to one or more Customers. The document or electronic confirmation specifies the scope of the service concerned as well as the price. MPO undertakes not to modify the content of the document or electronic confirmation as long as the Client has not expressed his acceptance or refusal within the period of time allotted to him and mentioned on the said document or electronic confirmation. After this period, MPO may freely modify the content of the document or electronic confirmation.

"Order": Written agreement (e.g. acceptance of a quotation, purchase order, online transaction), given to MPO by the Customer, concerning the supply and/or performance of services and specifying, in particular, the quantity, characteristics, pricing conditions, execution and payment deadlines for these services.


Article 3 - Purpose

Les présentes CGUV ont pour objet de définir les droits et devoirs de MPO et du Client pour les outils fournis par MPO : gestion de la présence, gestion des avis, système de réservation, catalogue en ligne, création de sites web, acquisition de followers, cartes NFC et tous autres produits développés par MPO.


Article 4 - Terms of sale

Les présentes CGUV régissent les relations entre MPO et le Client, sous réserve des dispositions légales spéciales et impératives.

Toute commande de prestations commercialisées par MPO entraîne l’adhésion entière et sans réserve des présentes CGUV par le Client, qui reconnaît expressément accepter les présentes CGUV sans aucune modification et dans leur intégralité, et déclare en avoir pris connaissance. Aucune condition particulière ne peut, sauf acceptation formelle écrite de MPO, prévaloir sur les présentes CGUV.

Une Commande signée ou une transaction en ligne sur le site ma-presence.online par le Client tient lieu de commande ferme et définitive. Elle doit être honorée et payée dans son intégralité selon les conditions prévues dans le document signé. En cas de paiement en ligne sous la forme d’abonnement (fréquence), le Client devra s’acquitter des paiements selon la fréquence choisie (abonnement mensuel, trimestriel, semestriel ou annuel).

À la conclusion d’un abonnement mensuel, trimestriel, semestriel ou annuel, le renouvellement par paiement automatique se fait à l’issue de la période de souscription initiale. Le contrat est donc renouvelé automatiquement jusqu’à son interruption.

MPO peut librement modifier les présentes CGUV. En cas de modifications des présentes CGUV, MPO en informera le Client par pli postal ou envoi électronique et impartira au Client un délai de 15 jours, dès l’envoi de la notification des modifications, pour s’y opposer. À défaut d’opposition par écrit par le Client dans le délai imparti, les modifications seront automatiquement intégrées à la relation contractuelle liant le Client et MPO. La réception des modifications des présentes CGUV incombe au Client, qui s’engage à consulter régulièrement les envois aux adresses physique et électronique transmises à MPO. Le Client supporte donc les risques de la notification valablement envoyée aux adresses transmises par le Client.


Article 5 - Ordering services

Toute commande implique l’acceptation sans réserve par le Client des présentes CGUV dès le moment à partir duquel le Client appose sa signature sur une Commande ou effectue une transaction en ligne sur le site ma-presence.online.

Les conditions particulières prévues entre MPO et le Client, contraire à l’un des articles des présentes CGUV, devront faire l’objet d’un accord écrit.

An Order signed or an online transaction on the ma-presence.online website by the Customer constitutes a firm and definitive order. It must be honored and paid for in full in accordance with the conditions set out in the signed document. In the case of monthly online payments, the Customer must make monthly payments (subscription).

All work undertaken by MPO and entailing additional costs to be borne by the Customer, not provided for in the order placed on ma-presence.online, will be the subject of a prior quotation or an additional online order subject to acceptance.

The execution of the planned services only takes place after the Customer has paid the first monthly instalment requested by MPO on the bank references given by MPO or online on the website.

Espace client :

L’espace client est accessible depuis le site web : ma-presence.online.
Dans le cas d’un paiement par carte de crédit, les accès sont transmis par email de manière automatique. Si le paiement est effectué sur facture, il incombe à MPO de créer le compte et d’envoyer les accès par email au Client.
Une fois sur la plateforme, la création d’un établissement est essentielle pour utiliser les fonctionnalités de la plateforme.


Article 6 - Subscription renewal

When a monthly or annual subscription is taken out, renewal by automatic payment takes place at the end of the initial subscription period. The contract is automatically renewed until it is terminated.


Article 7 - MPO's liability

MPO's liability is limited to content over which it has direct control.

MPO cannot be held responsible for services of any kind provided by other service providers.

MPO shall not be liable for accidental or deliberate damage caused by third parties to the Customer as a result of MPO's Internet connection.

MPO is also not liable for unauthorized access to the Customer's digital data by a third party.

MPO reserves the right to use the Customer's data to communicate as a reference, subject to the Customer's written consent.


Article 8 - Customer obligations

In the event that the Customer provides MPO with the information necessary for the execution of the order, such information shall be transmitted in accordance with MPO's specifications.

The connection to the MPO software will only be effective after 5 working days from authorization to access the Google plant file using the following access number 5606979318 and access to any other channel required.


Article 9 - Service prices, invoicing, payment

All orders are placed for a minimum contractual period of 12 months.

The prices of the services offered are those mentioned on the MPO website: ma-presence.online; they are exclusive of tax, i.e. VAT not included, and are payable in the currency indicated and according to the terms specified.

MPO offers both annual and monthly payment plans. In the event of agreement, the Customer undertakes to pay the monthly instalments within the agreed deadlines. Any delay of more than ten (10) days in the fulfilment of the Customer's commitments under the present paragraph will result in the immediate payment of the balance still due and the temporary blocking of access to the MPO platform.

MPO is therefore entitled to suspend access in the event of non-payment.

Failure to pay within the above-mentioned time limits will result in additional charges to be borne by the Customer.

Failure by the Customer to pay by the due date will give rise to the invoicing by MPO of the following late payment charges:

  • CHF 25, plus tax, for the first reminder;
  • CHF 30, plus tax, for the second reminder;
  • CHF 45.00, plus tax, for the third reminder;
  • Interest on arrears of 5% p.a. from the expiry of the period specified in the second reminder.

After the third reminder, MPO may take legal action against the customer, who will also bear all legal costs, including attorney's fees.

Rates for MPO services may vary from year to year.

Un taux de TVA de 8.1% est appliqué lors de la facturation en Suisse. Le taux précité dépend de la législation en vigueur au moment de la facturation. En cas de facturation dans un des pays de disponibilité des services MPO, la TVA n’est pas facturée, car MPO exporte ses services.

The subscription confirmation received by email following a transaction on the ma-prensence.online website constitutes an acknowledgement of debt within the meaning of Article 82 paragraph 1 of the Federal Law on Debt Collection and Bankruptcy.


Article 10 - Data protection, RGPD and nLPD

MPO complies with all applicable data protection regulations.

All personal data will be treated as confidential.

The information required to manage the order will be processed electronically.

The personal data provided or transmitted by the Customer in connection with the execution of the order will be used solely for this purpose and stored for the time necessary for the proper execution of the order.

Personal data transmitted to us by the Customer in connection with the execution of an order will be treated with the utmost care and diligence:

  • Company and brand name
  • First name of contact person
  • Name of contact person
  • Company address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Company presentation data
    • Opening hours
    • Description
    • Photos

Personal data will not be disclosed or shared with third parties. However, the Client accepts that MPO may present to third parties the fruits of its work carried out for the Client as well as the performance obtained by the Client. If the Client does not wish to appear as a reference for MPO, it must request this in writing when signing the Order document.

MPO cannot be held responsible for the interpretation and use made by the Client of the RGPD or nLPD regulations. MPO is only bound by an obligation of means in the context of all the services provided to the Client.

MPO may not be held liable, in particular, in the following non-exhaustive cases:

  • The Customer uses external services of which MPO has no knowledge or of which MPO is not the originator of the use and/or integration;
  • The above-mentioned external services do not allow the deletion or modification of tracking data;
  • One of MPO's suppliers has not complied with its own obligations with regard to the RGPD and nLPD ;
  • Data protection regulations were evolving.


Article 11 - Intellectual property

MPO remains the sole owner of all copyrights resulting from the services provided.

MPO is not liable in the event of hacking or any other form of illegitimate intrusion by a third party on the Customer's platforms. The Customer shall not hold MPO liable for any damage caused by a third party by any means whatsoever.

MPO makes every effort to secure access to its platform.


Article 11 - Software uptime

MPO and its suppliers maintain a minimum uptime of 99% at all times. Problems are resolved within a certain timeframe:


  • 24 hours for every critical incident occurring on working days
  • 48 hours for all critical incidents occurring outside working hours or at weekends
  • 48 hours for a non-critical incident occurring during working days
  • 72 hours for non-critical incidents outside working days or at weekends.


Article 12 - Google terms and conditions

In the context of the Google presence management service, Google's general terms and conditions apply to both the customer and MPO: https: //policies.google.com/terms?hl=en-US


Article 12 - Services offered by MPO

The procedure for accessing the software is as follows:

Access to the software with MPO login. The online presence and Google reviews management tool will be available once payment has been made directly on the platform and within 3 working days of receipt of payment.


The following services are included in the basic contract:


  1. Presence management.

1.1 MPO undertakes to transmit and make available Customer Content to Partner sites. The Partner sites are Google, Facebook, Apple, Snapchat, Factual, 118000, Mapstr, Here, Tomtom, Waze, Hoodspot.

Partner Sites may change their graphic charter, display policy and commercial policy regarding the display of content, at any time and freely. MPO cannot therefore commit to an obligation of result with regard to the distribution of certain information and Customer Content on certain platforms, or even with regard to the distribution of Customer Content on a particular Partner Site. On the other hand, MPO undertakes to use its best efforts to ensure that Customer Content transmitted by the Customer is distributed on Partner Sites as quickly as possible. The Customer remains solely responsible for the information and Customer Content published on the Partners' public files before, during and after the service provided by MPO. He retains the possibility of modifying this information by his own means by following the indications of the Partners. In the event of termination of its subscription to MPO services, the Supplier undertakes not to disseminate any new information concerning the Customer and not to degrade and/or modify any Customer Content that may have been disseminated to the Partners prior to the date of termination of the Customer's subscription.


1.2 Customer content to be broadcast.

MPO undertakes to use its best efforts to ensure that Partners integrate as much of the data transmitted by the Customer as possible, in particular: i. Company name; ii. Address (street number, postal code, city, country); iii. Category (type of business); iv. Telephone number; v. Url of Customer's website; vi. Opening hours ; vii. Special opening hours; viii. Company photographs ; ix. Description of company or sales outlet.


1.3 Google Posts.

A Google Post is a temporary insert that can be published on a Google Business listing, enabling local businesses to highlight some of their news (promotions, events, etc.). If the customer has fewer than 10 POIs, they can manage all their Google Posts from MPO, which will then be automatically synchronized with their Google Business listings.


  1. Notification management.

2.1. Collecting customer reviews from Partners (Google & Facebook)

MPO undertakes to provide the Customer with a solution for monitoring local reviews, centralizing the reviews relating to its establishments, published by Internet users on the Partners' sites, so that the Customer can respond more easily. Partner sites may change their policy for making reviews available at any time and at their own discretion. MPO cannot therefore commit to any obligation of result with regard to the recovery of local reviews.


2.2. Service description.

The Notice Management service includes: i. Centralization of notices on the DFO platform to which the Customer has access. ii. Easy response to notices from MPOs. iii. Definition of reusable, dynamic notification response templates. The review monitoring program will collect reviews from Partner sites at least every 24 hours. Partner sites are free to change their policy on the provision of reviews at any time. MPO cannot therefore commit to any obligation of result with regard to the recovery of local reviews. However, MPO undertakes to use its best efforts to centralize all reviews on the platform as frequently as possible.


2.3 Notice response templates.

The Notice Management service includes a feature that provides customers with notice response templates, also known as "Notice Templates". When drafting a response, the Customer will have access to pre-written templates that can be freely modified before publishing the response. These templates are taken from a list of templates provided directly by MPO.


The following options are available at the time of order or at a later date at the customer's request:


  1. Cartes NFC

1.1. Description :
Les Cartes NFC facilitent l’accès du client final vers l’écriture d’un avis sur la fiche Google grâce à un QR Code ou une puce NFC.

1.2. Délai de livraison :
Les Cartes NFC sont livrées sous 5 jours ouvrables, à réception du logo et du lien de la fiche Google.

  1. Acquisition de followers Instagram

2.1. Description :
MPO effectue des actions réelles pour augmenter les followers sur Instagram en fonction d’un ciblage défini au démarrage de la collaboration. MPO fait tout son possible pour atteindre le nombre de nouveaux followers convenu, mais la fréquence et la qualité des publications du Client influencent fortement ce résultat.

2.2. Délai d’activation :
L’acquisition de followers démarre 5 jours après réception des accès nécessaires (nom d’utilisateur, mot de passe, brief de ciblage).

  1. Conception de site web

3.1. Description :
MPO conçoit des sites web à l’aide de templates standards. Les sites sont responsives et optimisés avec des balises SEO. La conception débute uniquement après réception complète de toutes les informations nécessaires (textes, images, photos, coordonnées, etc.) fournies par le Client.

3.2. Délai de livraison :
Le site web est livré dans un délai de 2 semaines après réception des informations demandées.

3.3. Options supplémentaires :
Un hébergement et un nom de domaine sont requis pour la mise en ligne du site. Ces services sont proposés par MPO en option payante. Si le Client choisit un fournisseur tiers, il doit transmettre à MPO les accès nécessaires.


Article 13 - Termination of the contract

MPO reserves the right to terminate, without formality and without compensation, the contract concluded with a Customer in the event of non-compliance with any of the clauses of the present GTC. The Customer shall bear all the consequences of termination.

Les services d’abonnement MPO sont contractualisés sur 1 mois minimum à compter de la date de paiement + 5 jours.

MPO and the Customer may terminate the contract subject to a notice period of 3 months to the end of a month for the following contract period. The current contract period (current year) is due regardless of the date of termination.


Article 14 - Complaints

Delivered services must be inspected by the customer on receipt. All complaints concerning the quality of the service must be made, in writing, within 8 days of receipt of the service, failing which the services delivered will be considered as compliant.


Article 15 - Time limits

Delivery times, whether written or verbal, are given as an indication only.

The delivery times indicated by MPO are valid only within the limits of MPO's technical and human capacities to respond to orders.

The customer may not require MPO to deliver the agreed order and/or services on the agreed date, nor to pay any compensation whatsoever. The Client remains liable for the agreed sum.


Article 16 - Taxes

MPO reserves the right to pass on any new taxes or increases in existing tax rates without delay.

MPO charges VAT on all services rendered in accordance with Swiss law, including costs incurred on behalf of the customer.


Article 17 - Information obligation

The Customer undertakes to inform MPO immediately of any change in his situation: change of address, telephone number or bank details/transaction cards.


Article 18 - Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable to the other for non-performance or delay in performance of any obligation under this contract caused by the other party as a result of force majeure.

Force majeure suspends the obligations arising from the present contract for the duration of its existence. However, should the case of force majeure last longer than 90 (ninety) working days, it shall entitle either party to terminate the present contract ipso jure, 8 (eight) working days after dispatch of a registered letter notifying this decision.

Acts of God or force majeure include pandemics, lockdowns ordered or recommended by the authorities, theft or destruction of production facilities, total or partial strikes hampering the smooth running of MPO or that of one of MPO's suppliers, subcontractors or carriers, as well as interruptions to transport, energy supplies, raw materials or spare parts.


Article 19 - Miscellaneous provisions

If any clause of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable by virtue of any law or regulation or as a result of an enforceable decision of a court or competent administrative authority, that clause shall be deemed unwritten and the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect.

These GTC cancel and replace all previous GTC of MPO.


Article 20 - Elections de for and de jure

All services provided by MPO and these GTC shall be governed by Swiss law.

The courts of the Canton of Geneva have jurisdiction over all disputes arising from the application of these GTC and the individual contracts relating to them.


Genève, le 1 janvier 2025, en vigueur immédiatement.


Better online presence

ma-presence.online est un service Swiss Made d’amélioration de votre présence en ligne sur internet au sens large et plus précisément sur Google, Google Maps et Instagram.

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